48) Michigan State (Steve Smith):Hard to beat Sparty's green and white.

47) Michigan (Glen Rice): The large "M" and off-centered number are fantastic, but the trim on the shorts makes Glen Rice and company look like they have the hips of a 12-year old girl.

46) Seton Hall (Andrew Gaze): Seton Hall lost by a single point in overtime in the 1988-89 National Championship game, but cursive script and a pirate head on the shorts give P.J. Carlesimo's squad a one position victory over the Wolverines in the more important cooler uniform contest.

45) Notre Dame (Chris Thomas):The white unis with the four-leaf clover dotting the "i" is worthy of a much higher ranking, but the gold alternates with what appears to be some sort of Gaelic font made me throw up on my keyboard.

Late to the party, but I'm as excited about Terry Dehere's inclusion as Steve is about Lawrence Moten.
ReplyDeleteJust to clarify, you indicated that Michigan's shorts made their players appear to have the hips of a twelve-year-old girl. You're saying that's bad, right?
Thanks for your help, friend.
I should probably note that Dehere did not play on the 1988-89 Seton Hall squad that fell to Michigan in the National Championship. He came in the year after. The Pirates dropped the baby blue from their away unis at some point during Dehere's stint at Seton Hall, but the whites remained the same.
ReplyDeleteYou're suspiciously silent on the adolescent hip pro/con issue. Put out this fire before you have a Coach Bert scandal on your hands http://www.google.com/imgres?um=1&hl=en&client=firefox-a&sa=N&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&biw=800&bih=415&tbm=isch&tbnid=LSa3pSUvpewbQM:&imgrefurl=http://hotoffpress.wordpress.com/2011/12/06/saturday-night-live-steve-buscemithe-black-keys-12311/&docid=b1w0q1AtDwQF3M&imgurl=http://hotoffpress.files.wordpress.com/2011/12/coach-bert.jpg&w=841&h=472&ei=YRYgT5-aPMvWtwe3h_iuBQ&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=373&vpy=118&dur=4399&hovh=168&hovw=300&tx=151&ty=104&sig=109893574328048544802&page=1&tbnh=100&tbnw=144&start=0&ndsp=8&ved=1t:429,r:6,s:0