From all internet accounts, it appears Coach John Calipari will be named the next head coach at the University of Kentucky. Well, wait a second. At this point, some internet sources predict Calipari will be the next head coach at the University of Kentucky. Hold on this just in: internet sources reveal Calipari has resigned from Memphis to accept the head coaching position at the University of Kentucky. One more second . . . it appears the internet has crashed after serveral sources confirmed Calipari is still weighing his options.
Here's what we know: Calipari has been offered by UK and he is weighing his options, with several people reporting he is likely to accept Kentucky's offer. Here's what else I know - screw (I gave up the f-word for Easter) internet sources. If there is one thing that has irritated me about this whole saga is the eagerness of radio stations, websites, tv stations, and blogs to be the first to report that it is a done deal. Reporting this story will not make or break your business, whatever it may be. Accuracy in your reporting is what will make or break your business. Largely the success of your reporting will be on its depth, analysis, and entertainment value. When this story officially breaks, as I expect it to in the next day or so, no one will care who broke the story first, trust me.
You may be thinking to yourself: Louis you seem like a somewhat intelligent person. ESPN will likely break the story a mere seconds after it is broken by some other media outlet. Why don't you just quit reading these reports and just wait until it's announced by either UK or ESPN? Well, you would be wrong. Not about ESPN breaking the story soon after another outlet, but about me being a somewhat intelligent person. If there are two things I've realized in this life, they are this: Don't dip your company pen in your boss' daughter and dont' expect yourself to be rational when it comes to your favorite sports team.
I cannot expect myself to be at all rational or level-headed when it comes to news on UK. That is especially true when we are on the verge of making the biggest college basketball hire in history. (See comments on irrationality.) I will look at every piece of news I possibly can. That means I'm watching a door on video, reading accounts from flight attendants, and taking seriously stories from my father's partner's uncle's friend who is friends with Sam Bowie. This is my life, and I've accepted it.
My point is only this: for those of us who are unable to self-censor our media intake during times as these, if you are wanting to report on something, please do it in a halfway responsible manner.
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